Typical rib and shoulder problems in MPS include:
- Glenoid dysplasia1 肩盂關節窩發育不良
- Paddle ribs (oar-shaped)2 槳狀肋骨
- Thickened clavicles2 增厚的鎖骨
Normal X-ray:

Normal ribs2
This oar shape in the first nine ribs is characteristic of MPS disease
MPS X-rays:

Two-year-old male patient with MPS II. Note the absence of glenoid necks(沒有盂骨部關節窩). In patients with glenoid hypoplasia, symptoms may include pain and shoulder instability.3,4

Thirty-five-year-old patient with MPS VI. Note the shape of the ribs is widened anteriorly and tapered posteriorly, a shape called “paddle ribs”.5 (槳狀肋骨)

Patient with MPS VI. Note the thickened clavicles(增厚的鎖骨) and paddle-shaped ribs.2
- Currarino G, et al. Pediatr Radiol 1998;28:30–37.
- Lachman R, et al. J Ped Rehabil Med 2010;3(2):109–118.
- Image courtesy of Klane K White.
- Trout TE and Resnick D. Skeletal Radiol 1996;25:37-40.
- Scarpa M, et al. J Ped Rehabil Med 2010;3(2):71–75.