Madelung’s-type deformity1
- Madelung’s deformity is a wrist malformation typically seen in adolescent females
- The deformity may be characterized by ulnar protrusion(尺骨前突), wrist dislocation(腕關節脫臼), and/or radial hypoplasia
- It is usually associated with a mutation in the SHOX gene
- The hands of patients with MPS have a similar bent appearance to that seen in Madelung’s deformity and the term “Madelung’s-type deformity” is used to describe the hands of patients with MPS
Normal X-ray:

Normal arm X-ray2
MPS X-rays:

Two-year-old patient with MPS II. Note that early Madelung’s-type deformity is apparent in the wrist, with diaphyseal coarsening骨幹粗化 and hypoplastic epiphyses發育不全的骨骺.3
- Munns C and Glass I. In: Pagon RA, Bird TD, Dolan CR, Stephens K, Adam MP, editors. GeneReviews™ Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993–2008.
- Lachman R, et al. J Ped Rehabil Med 2010;3(2):109–118.
- Image courtesy of Klane K White.