Cervical spine:
Features mainly include1,2:
- Spinal compression 脊椎壓迫
- Atlanto-axial instability 寰樞椎(第一頸椎和第二頸椎)不穩定
Normal X-ray:

Normal cervical spine6
Symptoms may include:
- Myelopathy 脊髓病變 (weakness, clumsiness, unsteady gait, bowel/bladder problems)3,4
- Spastic quadriparesis(痙攣性四肢癱瘓), which can cause premature death5, neck pain, headaches
- Note that cervical spine complications may be asymptomatic
MPS X-rays:

Cervical spine of a 5-year-old patient with MPS VI. Note subtle retrolisthesis of the odontoid in extension and mild anterior listhesis of C2 in flexion.7
- Lachman R, et al. J Pediatr Rehabil Med 2010;3(2):109–118.
- White KK. Rheumatology 2011;50:v26–v33.
- Link B, et al. Orthoped Rev 2010;2:e16.
- Image courtesy of Klane K White.
- Lipson SJ. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1977;59(3):340–344.
- Science Photo Library. www.sciencephoto.com. Image P116/0167.
- Reprinted from Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, volume 104; Horovitz DDG, Magalhaes TSPC, Costa AP, Carelli LE, Silva DS, Riello APFL, Llerena JC:295–300, ©2011, with permission from Elsevier.